Device Emulator

Device Emulator

The device emulator is a powerful tool for developers to send data as if it was sent by a real device. The emulator is intuitive and requires just a few clicks to validate and send your data package.

To access the device emulator, go to the Device section, select the device, and then click on the Emulator tab. 

TagoIO accepts two types of payloads: JSON or Raw.

  • JSON: The payload is a JSON that follows TagoIO's data schema by using the following fields: variable, value, unit, time, serie, location and metadata.
  • Raw: The payload is a simple text data (CSV, XML, or even binary). To parse it, you will need to add a Payload Parser.

Sending Payload Data

To send a JSON payload from the emulator, you will need to:

  1. Build a data payload that should contain at least the variable field (pick one example from the list);
  2. Edit the fields of the payload;
  3. Click onto send the payload.


Functions are helper variables that you can add to your payload. Each function has a purpose. To add a function to your payload, click on the button and select a function.

To learn more about using functions in the device emulator, read the article Device Emulator Functions.


The timer helps to automatically send your payload at a fixed time interval. This is extremely useful if you wish to see the data coming in while you look at a dashboard, for example.

If you close the 'Emulator' tab, the system will stop sending payloads. You may want to use the Simulator or create a script to keep sending all the time.

Note: Before sending any kind of payload, always make sure that the device is Active.

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